[9-HI™ Advanced Concepts] 9-HI™ Libraries

9-HI™ contains multiple libraries that you can access by engaging with an AI Agent to perform research and obtain recommendations for development of 9-HI™ Projects & Topics. Essential libraries include:

9-HI™ libraries are intended to be constantly updated with limited types of fresh information from current Projects. The only types of information that can be shared through a library among 9-HI users are termed "Community Meta Vectors". Updates are provided in a variety of ways. They are automatically updated by the 9-HI™ system to capture new CMV content created within current Selection and Development Projects. Examples include: capturing new Risks, Success Factors (SFs), or Evidence types identified and implemented within a current Project. In some cases, AI Agents will make recommendations to human teams with suggestions for potential SFs, Evidence, and Risks, but only suggestions that are actually utilized by these teams will be approved for addition to our libraries. Another mechanism for inclusion of content into our libraries is to capture validated content from Innovation Exploration Projects. 9-HI™ relies on expert credibility to ensure that all database entries are of high value and technically sound. All of these methods are utilized to ensure the integrity of our database content. Periodic administrative reviews will audit database content to ensure this high level of integrity. If content is discovered that does not meet 9-HI™ standards, it will be removed. If any users are identified with repeated database entries that don't meet 9-HI™ standards, they will be notified and their Profile Scores, as well as privileges, may be affected.

Risk Library: The Risk Library is organized by Tier 1 Lanes, while all other libraries are organized by Tier 2 FPMs. Thus, Risks are organized by Product Technology, Team & Stakeholders, and Market Application and Risks exist in all three of these Tier 1 Lanes. When working on any type of Project, if any one of the Lanes is not addressed in serious review effort, the Project will have a high likelihood of failure. The Project Manager, Team Lead, and SMEs have a direct impact on the accuracy and recommendations of Risks, SFs and Evidence as the 9-HI™ Platform grows and is updated with new Project information. As the Team selects from the Library or accepts AI Agent recommendations, the usage of a specific term is noted and “learned” as well as re-associated with new aspects of a given Project. This is a critical opportunity and component of growth for you and our AI Agents as they will both learn over time. When used properly, this library provides for the best usage and recommendation of risks for future Projects. All privacy and IP related content, as stated in the paragraphs above, also apply to the Risk Library.

Success Factor Library: The operations of the SF Library are similar to the Risk Library except that SFs require an additional level of refinement to be able to score each of the 9 FPMs. SFs are defined at the Tier 2 level, not the Tier 1 level like Risks. Multiple SFs must be selected and tailored to each of the 9 FPMs for the Project Topic being defined. From Topic to Topic, some SFs may be identical but many should be different to address unique Risks, and to also address any other objectives or goals that the Project may have as identified in the Topic description. Note that for Development Projects, you must also introduce Short Term SFs to address Risks and objectives specific to the current TRL or upcoming TRLs. Please note that it is critical to get the crafting of SFs right. If SFs are missed or improperly defined, then essential risks, objectives and goals can be missed and not discovered until a project is too far along into development to satisfy objectives/goals and address Risks. All privacy and IP related content, as stated in the paragraphs above, also apply to the Success Factor Library.

Success Evidence Library: The Success Evidence Library is a resource for the types of specific Evidence that typically is required to reduce risks/meet objectives and raise the relevant SF scores. Raising Short Term SF Scores leads to progress from one TRL to the next higher TRL or for the Project SFs to be raised toward Deployment readiness. Each example of Evidence is directly related to one or more SFs and indirectly to Risks. Examples of Success Evidence include:

  • Analyses
  • Testing
  • Prototyping
  • Surveys
  • Pilot Programs Evaluations
  • Financial Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Key Data Interpretations
  • Expert Reviews
  • Etc.

Public Solutions Library: The Public Solutions Library is intended to not be protected by any secrecy, privacy or confidentiality from anyone in the public domain. It is intended to share the knowledge and awareness of potential solutions, including proprietary IP, subject to approvals and licensing from the owners. Thus, any 9-HI™ Member may access and review solutions of interest from this library, so long as they contact the solution owner and derive any related license agreements. Examples of this are technologies that are "open source" or that contributors have confirmed are not owned by any entity. This is common for technologies that can help improve a large body of usage or generally further or accelerate a technology for greater adoption or benefit to the entire user/consumer base. To utilize content from the Public Solutions Library you can search for Topics or Projects that are listed as "Public" in the Left-hand column of your main 9-HI Screen. Note that No Projects or Topics set to Private by the owning Group members will appear in this Public Library. Public Innovation Exploration Projects are a great way to promote new Technologies for specific Applications. Both Search and Filter Tools are available for 9-HI Members.

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