[9-HI™ Dictionary] Success Factors (SF)

Success Factors are what we use to show accomplishment details in each of the 9 FPMs. They specifically are linked to the Risks of the project, so by driving Success Factor scores upward we are reducing their associated Risks.

Success Factors are Second Tier measurements that roll up to calculate the FPMs. These are customized for specific technologies, teams, and applications. Accurate selection of these is critical for deriving FPM scores. AI will be deployed to recommend Success Factors (SFs). SFs can be long term or short term. Long term SFs are used for the entire Project duration and are tied to the overall Project goals and objectives to drive down the overall Project Risks. These long term SFs should never change once they are established for the Project, unless the scope of the Project itself has changed. Short term SFs only apply to development Projects and specific TRL(s). They are not SFs that apply for the overall Development Project. These only occur in Development Projects in order to address specific development activities that provide new evidence to advance development to the next TRL. 

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