[The 9-HI™ Basics] 9-HI™ SME Profile Ratings

As a 9-HI™ member, you should constantly strive to improve your Profile Scores. Better scores will make you more visible in the 9-HI™ community. It’s not just for bragging rights, you will have a better chance to be nominated for great Projects with higher Profile Scores. There are 4 categories that 9-HI™ uses to score you as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). The 4 Scores are combined to make your composite 5-star 9-HI™ Score rating. Below are detailed descriptions of each Score category and how they are calculated.

Score #1: Profile Completeness

This is an indirect measurement of your seriousness in 9-HI’s collaboration community. New users should Complete their Profile header and select Skill Keywords and Interest Keywords in order to unlock the initial functionality 9-HI™. Once this is completed, the 9-HI™ SME AI Agent is able to recommend you as a candidate SME to people looking for SMEs for various projects. You can also upload a resume, CV or other information searchable by the 9-HI™ SME AI Agent in order to enhance knowledge about you. The completeness and quality of your profile will determine your Profile Completeness Score. One way that we look at quality is how often you update your information with recent activities.

Score #2: Project Contribution

This represents your recent history as a SME contributor. It considers your participation and performance in Projects. This measurement is calculated by a 9-HI™ AI Agent by evaluating feedback from the Team Leads of Projects in which you have participated. The Team Lead of a Project will provide the following feedback.

  1. “Quality rating” in the Project: This measures your quality of contribution to the Project.
  2. “Time commitment” in the Project: This measures the quantity of your contribution to the Project as a percent of your time commitment.
  3. The overall impact of the Project: This measures the impact of the Project compared to its goals.
  4. Successfulness of the Project: This measures how successful the Project was.
  5. Frequency of your participation in Projects: This will be tabulated through confirmation of your participation from Project Team Leads. If you participate in Projects frequently, this score will go higher.

Score #3: Platform Engagement

This Score measures your engagement in 9-HI’s collaboration community outside of Selection or Development Projects. The Platform Engagement score is a composite measurement including:

  1. Utilization: This measures your engagement level in the collaboration community by measuring the frequency of your 9-HI™ usage.
  2. Frequency of your participation in Projects: This is the same score mentioned in Project Contribution section above.
  3. Contribution Quantity: This Score measures how many new Success Factors (SFs), Risks, technical papers, or points of Evidence you add in any given year.
  4. Contribution Quality: This Score measures how often the items you have contributed have been used by others per year.
  5. Recommendation-of-peers-for-projects: This considers how many “recommendations of peers” you make for needed SME roles for projects. Only the recommendations approved by the project Team Lead are counted. If great numbers of poor recommendations are made, this can have a negative impact.

Score #4: Reputation

This considers your reputation as an SME in 9-HI™. It is a composite Score combining (1) your reputation in projects (the Project Contribution mentioned above) and (2) your perceived reputation among your peers. This is calculated by counting the number of endorsements and recommendations for Projects you received from your peers per year.

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