[9-HI™ Advanced Concepts] 9-HI™ AI Agents
For a quick video overview of the 9-HI™ AI Agents, click the link below:
9-HI™ Demo - Human-AI Collaboration and Decision Guidance
There are 5 AI Agents deployed in 9-HI™ to provide decision support recommendations. The AI Agents support you based on what you are looking for, how much help you want, etc., but the AI Agents will not make final decisions. For more information about GPT enabled Agents scroll to the bottom of this page. The AI Agents do what machines do best: “Perform rapid calculations, and access data” and 9-HI™ lets humans do what humans do best: “Bring context and make final decisions”. Together, People and AI Agents create a formidable team within the 9-HI™ Platform.
The 5 AI Agents are:
Subject Matter Expert (SME) AI Agent – Orion
Risk AI Agent – Scorpius
Success Factor (SF) AI Agent – Cassiopeia (Cassy)
Solution AI Agent – Hercules
Success Evidence (SE) AI Agent – Libra
ORION: SME AI Agent (Guidance for SME Selection & Management): The SME AI Agent helps you put together a team of SMEs for a Project. This AI Agent will search for and recommend the optimal SME Team based on SME profiles and scores. The AI Agent may also recommend less experienced yet eligible SMEs who expressed passion of training themselves for the Project and/or Topics. Needs for different SMEs may arise as a Development Project transitions from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to TRL. |
SCORPIUS: Risk AI Agent (Guidance for Identification of Risks to the Project): The Risk AI Agent helps you by identifying Risks for a Topic. When risks are identified, the SME Team then seeks to find Success Factors (SFs) to reduce or burn down Risks so the technology can advance to higher TRLs and be successfully deployed and sustained within an operational environment. There may be multiple risks for each SF or multiple SFs for any given risk. Anytime a Risk is identified, it will be addressed by (or converted/mapped into) one or more SFs (see figure at bottom) leading to action items to track successful mitigation of the identified Risks. Proper execution of SFs can be used as a part of performance measurement of a Project. |
CASSIOPEIA (Cassy): SF AI Agent (Guidance for Selection of Short Term & Long Term Success Criteria): The SF AI Agent helps you by analyzing previously successful 9-HI™ Projects and external off-project data to recommend SFs for their current Project. Proper execution of SFs can be used as a measurement of performance of a Topic. For this reason, it is important to note that a common set of SFs for a given Topic must be used to evaluate all competing solutions being considered so that evaluations are fair and consistent for each solution. Success Factor AI helps 9-HI™ Teams select some standardized SFs from the database library, which SMEs can then refine so the SFs are tailored to address the Topic under evaluation. It is important that every identified Risk must be addressed by at least one but preferably multiple SFs (see figure at bottom). Short Term SFs are only employed for development Projects to identify objectives, specific to a particular TRL. When these Short Term SFs are satisfied (obtained the highest score), the Project will be ready to transition to the next TRL. |
HERCULES: Solution AI Agent (Guidance for Discovery of Potential Technology Solutions): The Solution AI Agent helps you by providing potential solutions to the problems documented during the problem capture stage or in response to a solicitation for proposal ideas. The Agent also considers evolving requirements throughout the identified development stages. Solutions will be recommended by SMEs and by the AI Agent as part of potential solution recommendations that should be considered and scored. |
LIBRA: SE AI Agent (Suggestions of Evidential Artifacts to Advance the TRL Level & Improve SF Score): The Success Evidence AI Agent helps you by providing suggestions for the types of supporting evidence that can be generated and used to support measurements of solutions to Topic problems & Risks. This guidance can come from the AI Agent examining past analysis, testing, prototyping, surveys, pilot programs, etc. of Internal/External Projects. The greater the amount of Evidence supporting a solution, the higher the Short Term SF and Long Term SF scores will be driven (see figure below). Objectives for a single TRL level and the corresponding Short Term SFs will be “closed out” as a new TRL is reached for a Topic and new short term priorities emerge for the next TRL. Thus, Short Term SFs change as development transitions from low to high TRLs. But the Project level long term SFs will stay in place throughout the life of the Project up until it reaches its goals. |
9-HI also offers a GPT option for some of its Agents. Examples of this are shown below for Scorpius and Cassy. For an initial GPT inquiry the user only needs to identify 1-3 Keywords for the Technology and Application. After the initial GPT response a follow up question can be posed but it must use the format shown below.