[9-HI™ Quick Start] Select This Article For Enterprises Managing Technology Selection/Investment (RFI/RWP/RFP/Pitch)

For a quick video overview of Technology Selection Events, click the link below:

9-HI™ Demo - Technology Selection Projects

The diagram above highlights the major sections of a Selection Project from the Host Group perspective. If you already have a Group established for your Government, Academia or Industry enterprise, you can move to Step 2. Choose the type of Selection Project that is most appropriate for your organization. If you aren't sure what options are available from vendors, you probably should start with an Request for Information (RFI) or Brief RFI. Do you want more in-depth technical information before getting formal pricing? Then a Request for White Paper (RWP) is in order. Finally, if you pretty much know what you want, you can submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) to outside vendors as an External Project, or if you have technical staff in your Group that can develop technologies you can also create an Internal RFP and have them send you a proposal. Choosing between Internal and External Selection Projects is often referred to as a "Make vs Buy decision" but in this case its more like "Should we develop this internally as an organic Project or should we shop around from external vendors". Remember you also can Link an RFI to an RWP to an RFP, to manage a larger Acquisition Cycle. After you establish the Selection Project, you proceed to creating the Topic or Topics that are desired by your Group as the Host and publish your requirements complete with Risks and Success Factors that the Responder needs to consider in their proposal. Most important here is the inclusion of a Self-evaluation by the Responder. They need to be accurate in their proposal and score themselves objectively. If they are far from your own review of their scores, you probably should dismiss their Response submission. All that is left is for your Topic Team to score and recommend selection to your Project Manager.

If for some reason a Selection Project needs to be changed after the announcement has been made that requires modifications to the Response Form Builder, the Project or Topic Details or to the Announcement document itself, activities both on and off the Platform must be taken. For example, deadlines and timing may be affected, and the Project must be unlocked to change deadlines as well as Announcement revisions must be distributed. If assistance is needed please contact your 9-HI™ Representative.

Here's a quick Primer on the 9-HI™ Process (as simple as 1, 2, 3).

9-HI™ uses a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted process to guide your Project to succeed. If you become an adept expert at the 9-HI™ process on this Platform, you will be able to lead Projects to successful outcomes, continue to grow your Profile Scores, and get involved in more of the things that you enjoy the most. Refer to our article "[The 9-HI™ Basics] How do we organize everything in 9-HI™?" for more information about Projects. You can even start new Groups of your selected users to lead industries and markets to new advancements. Fundamentally, here’s what you'll do:

1. You use 9-HI™ to identify the Risks of a Project Topic in three Lanes:

  • Product Technology
  • Team & Stakeholders
  • Market Application

Click anywhere on the graphic above to understand more about 9-HI™

2. Then, you can use 9-HI™ to provide guidance to evaluate and overcome these Risks by suggesting success criteria called Success Factors (SFs) that neatly fit into 9 different sub-categories (these 9 sub-categories are called Fundamental Prime Metrics (FPMs) and is where 9-HI™ gets its name from). This step requires mapping SFs and Risks to each other.

3. Lastly, 9-HI™ guides you by showing you how to generate Success Evidence that fulfills the SFs and drives up quantitative scores for the 9 FPMs. Just like #2 above, these Success Evidence items must be mapped to relevant SFs.

See the graphic below to assist you with mapping Risks and SFs.

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