[9-HI™ Advanced Concepts] Selection Projects & Acquisition Cycles

It is common for larger enterprises and government organizations to utilize a series of Selection Projects linked together to form an "Acquisition Cycle". They do this when the benefits of each unique Project Type can be exploited to benefit their organization and selection efforts. For example a Simple RFI can be used to determine what Technologies are available for consideration in the marketplace. A Full RFI can be used to also find out more about the provider of the Technology and the Applications of the Technology. In these cases the RFI project is used as a type of "Market Study" to help guide initial efforts and to properly scope out follow on efforts.

9-HI™ allows Groups that own certain Projects to link an RFI to an RFP to create an Acquisition Cycle. Note that content from one Project can be copied to another Project Type owned by the Group without necessarily linking the two Projects in an AC. It is common to See an RFI linked to an RWP and then to an RFP for finalization of proposals and Awarding. In 9-HI any Project Type can be linked to another with in Selection Projects. After Awarding though, no further Projects can be linked but Projects can still be used to source data and copy to a new Project if desired.

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